Locations In the Spokane and Kootenai County Area
- Spokane Valley
- Post Falls
- Coeur d'Alene
- St. Maries
- Cottonwood
- Hayden
- Rathdrum
- Wallace
- Nordman
- Sandpoint
- Kellogg
- Spokane
- Priest Lake
- Mead
- Liberty Lake
- Dover
- Nine Mile Falls
- Harrison
- Cheney
- Ponderay
- Deer Park
- Hope
- Colville
- Airway Heights
- Republic
- Bonners Ferry
- Oldtown
- Northport
- Reardan
- Pinehurst
- Medimont
- Newport
- Kamiah
- Kettle Falls
- Worley
- Spirit Lake
- Kootenai
- Sagle
- Murray
- Harrington
- Kooskia
- Silverton
- Hunters
- Osburn
- Valley
- Other
- Ritzville
- Cataldo
- Odessa
- Newman Lake
- Chewelah
- Lewiston
- Dalton Gardens
- Davenport
- Springdale
- Loon Lake
- Elk
- Millwood
- Sprague
- Usk
- Clark Fork
- Blanchard
- Fruitland
- Hauser
- Naples
- Inchelium
- Priest River
- Endicott
- Lacrosse
- Athol
- Seven Bays
- Mullan
- Moyie Springs
- St John
- Rice
- Plummer
- Bayview
- Wilbur
- Greenacres
- Colbert
- Otis Orchards
- Medical Lake
- Chattaroy
- Valleyford
- Addy
- Ford
- Veradale
- Creston
- Smelterville
- Pullman
- Coolin
- Kingston
- Orofino
- Careywood
- Cocolalla
- Hayden Lake
- Cusick
- Latah
- Oakesdale
- Farmington
- Rockford
- Clayton
- Fernwood
- Potlatch
- Laclede
- Rosalia
- Kuna
- Lenore
- Juliaetta
- Tekoa
- Tumtum
- Ione
- Saltese
- Clarkston
- Palouse
- Emida
- Colton
- Colfax
- Almira
- Riverside
- Winchester
- Troy (MT)
- Moscow
- Spangle
- Eastport
- Metaline Falls
- Marshall
- Marcus
- Rigby
- Mica
- Weippe
- Santa
- Deer Meadows
- Kendrick
- Twin Lakes
- Edwall
- Trout Creek
- Lamont
- Grand Coulee
- Haugen
- Malden
- Noxon
- Tensed
- Evans
- Wardner
- Grangeville
- Desmet